ISKI Water Civilizations Museum – Terkos Pump

Terkos Water Pump Station: Istanbul’s First Modern Water Facility

History and Transition to a Museum:

  • Construction Year: The Terkos Water Pump Station was constructed in 1883 by engineers, architects, and craftsmen brought from France.
  • Historical Importance: It is one of the last industrial structures of the Ottoman Empire and stands out as an original structure of its era.
  • Primary Function: The station was notably the first pump station established in Istanbul with the purpose of providing drinking water to the city.
  • Operational Period: The station remained operational until 1967, playing a crucial role in meeting Istanbul’s water needs for many decades.

This historical significance of the Terkos Water Pump Station underscores its importance in the industrial heritage of the Ottoman Empire and the early Republic of Turkey. Its transformation into a museum serves to preserve and showcase this crucial piece of Istanbul’s industrial past.

  • Establishment: The Terkos Water Pump Station, Istanbul’s first modern water facility, was established by the French with funding from the Dersaadet Water Company.
  • Electrification: In 1928, the installation of two thermoelectric units marked the beginning of electricity production at the facility. Initially, the electricity was used for the station’s internal lighting needs but later expanded to include a lighting system for the surrounding area of Terkos Village. The Terkos Thermoelectric Plant was one of the first electricity generation units established in Turkey.
  • Technological Advancements: Until 1952, the station operated on steam systems. Post-1952, electric pumps were added to enhance its functionality.
  • Transformation: Starting from the 1980s, the station gradually lost its operational significance. In 2011, the decision was made to convert it into a museum, complementing the original industrial structures with newly designed buildings within its parcel.

Restoration Process with IBIX Ecological Micro-Sanding System:

During the restoration, the IBIX Ecological Micro-Sanding System was employed for cleaning the parts of the machinery used in the facility. This system is known for providing an excellent solution for delicate surface cleaning. The IBIX system cleans the layers of rust and dirt on metal parts with a precise wiping effect. It allows for control over various factors like nozzle type, pressure, and consumption rate, granting the operator complete control over the application. Such precision ensures perfect results in experienced hands, making it a fitting choice for the restoration of the historic Terkos Water Pump Station.

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