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Top 10 Imperial Mosques in Istanbul’s Historic District

The term “Selatin” refers to grand and magnificent mosques commissioned by the sultans during the Ottoman Empire. This designation is typically applied to mosques located in the imperial capitals, symbolizing the power and splendor of the state. The phrase “Selatin Mosques in Fatih” denotes such significant mosques situated in the Fatih district of Istanbul. Fatih…

Explore the Wonders of Istanbul: A City of Two Continents

Welcome to Istanbul, a city where two continents meet, creating a fascinating blend of modern Western and traditional Eastern cultures. As a melting pot of civilizations and diverse cultures, Istanbul was designated the European Capital of Culture by the European Union in 2010. A Brief History of Istanbul Founding: Istanbul’s history dates back to the…

Discovering Istanbul on Foot: Picturesque Walking Routes

Istanbul, a city that seamlessly blends history, culture, and natural beauty, offers numerous walking routes that allow you to explore its many facets. Whether you’re meandering through historic neighborhoods, strolling along the Bosphorus, or escaping to the tranquility of its parks and islands, each route offers a unique experience. Here are some walking routes to…

Discovering Istanbul’s Synagogues: A Window into the Jewish Heritage

In Istanbul, a city that embraces multiple faiths and cultures, synagogues stand as vital centers of worship and community for the Jewish population. These synagogues, referred to as “Bet ha-Tefilla” (house of prayer), “Bet ha-Midrash” (house of study), and “Bet Aam” (house of the people or community house), reflect the rich history and tradition of…

Discovering Istanbul: A Tour of Its Churches and Monasteries

Istanbul, a city rich in religious and cultural diversity, is home to many active churches and monasteries, each with its own unique history and architectural beauty. These places of worship not only serve their respective communities but also attract visitors from around the world. Here are some of the most visited churches and monasteries in…

Exploring the Fountains of Istanbul: A Journey Through History and Art

Istanbul, a city where history echoes through its streets, is adorned with numerous exquisite fountains. These fountains, beyond their practical use, are masterpieces of architecture, calligraphy, and art, reflecting the city’s rich Ottoman heritage. Let’s explore some of the most notable fountains in Istanbul: Sultanahmet Fountain (III. Ahmet Fountain) Location: In front of the Bab-ı…

A Journey Through Its Ancient Cisterns and Aqueducts

Istanbul, a city steeped in history, is home to several ancient cisterns and aqueducts, remarkable feats of engineering that served as vital components of the city’s water supply system. These historical structures are not only a testament to the city’s past but also fascinating sites for visitors. Basilica Cistern (Yerebatan Sarnıcı) History: Built by Emperor…

Istanbul’s Bicycle Routes: A Cyclist’s Guide to the City’s Charm

Istanbul, a city famed for its captivating blend of history, culture, and natural beauty, offers some unique bicycle routes for enthusiasts. These routes provide not only a great way to exercise but also an opportunity to explore the city’s diverse landscapes, from the bustling streets to serene forest paths. Here’s a guide to three of…

Istanbul’s Seven Hills: The Historical Heart of the City

Istanbul, like Rome and Byzantium before it, was built on seven hills, all located within the boundaries of the Historic Peninsula, also known as “Suriçi Istanbul”. These hills have been central to the city’s history, playing host to some of its most iconic structures and offering unique vistas of its sprawling landscape. 1. Sarayburnu Hill…