Atatürk Museum Location, History, Exhibits, Entrance Fee, and Visiting Hours

Atatürk Museum (Istanbul)

  • Opening: 1942
  • Location: Şişli, Istanbul, Turkey
  • Coordinates: 41°03’23″N 28°59’14″E
  • Type: Biography
  • Management: Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality

The Atatürk Museum, also known as the Revolution Museum, is located on Halaskargazi Street in Istanbul’s Şişli district. The building, which was converted into a museum by the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality in 1942, was previously the residence of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. The museum displays various personal belongings of Atatürk, materials related to Atatürk and the Turkish War of Independence, and paintings by different artists.


After World War I, Mustafa Kemal arrived in Istanbul on November 13, 1918, from the Syrian front. Initially staying at the Pera Palace and then at the home of his friend Salih Fansa in Beyoğlu, he later rented a three-story house built in 1908 by Osep Kasabyan on Halaskargazi Street in Şişli. Here, he resided with his mother Zübeyde Hanım and sister Makbule, hosting frequent meetings with his associates during Istanbul’s occupation. He lived in this house until his departure to Samsun on May 16, 1919.

After Mustafa Kemal settled in Ankara, he took his mother and sister with him. The Şişli house was bought in 1924 by Hasan Tahsin Uzer, a former governor and Erzurum deputy. The Istanbul Municipality purchased the building from Uzer in 1927, starting to collect items related to Atatürk. In 1942, the building was transformed into a museum under Governor and Mayor Lütfi Kırdar and opened as the Atatürk Revolution Museum on June 15, 1942.

The museum underwent renovations in 1960 under Mayor Refik Tulga and after a partial fire on January 9, 1962. A major refurbishment took place as Atatürk’s 100th birth anniversary approached in 1981, funded by Türkiye İş Bankası and managed by the Turkish Touring and Automobile Club. The museum was renovated in the style of the 1910s and reopened as the Atatürk Museum on May 19, 1981.

The museum’s last restoration was in 2014, reopening on November 10, 2015.

Museum Exhibits:

The museum showcases photographs, clothing, and personal items of Atatürk, documents related to Atatürk and his reforms, and paintings depicting the War of Independence. Notable works include paintings by İbrahim Çallı, portraying Nikolaos Trikupis surrendering his sword, and a painting by Zeki Kocamemi.

The entrance floor presents Atatürk’s birth, education, early military years, the Tripolitanian War, Balkan Wars, a bust by sculptor Hüseyin Gezer, the Gallipoli Campaign, and preparations for the National Struggle.

The first floor includes memorabilia from Atatürk’s arrival in Samsun, Amasya Circular, the Erzurum Congress, garments from the 1920s, his Marshal uniform, personal items, pens used in the abolition of the sultanate in the parliament, the first edition of Nutuk (1927), and information about the Great Offensive.

The second floor features paintings related to the War of Independence, a model of Atatürk’s birthplace in Thessaloniki, personal items including his last years’ clothing, medals, plaques, coffee cups, and business cards. Portraits of Atatürk by İbrahim Çallı (1937), İbrahim Ferit, and Emin, as well as Zeki Kocamemi’s painting of Atatürk’s funeral procession (1939), are also displayed.

The Atatürk Museum in Istanbul houses a significant collection of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’s personal belongings, which form a crucial part of the exhibition. This collection includes:

  • Personal Items of Atatürk: This includes his civilian clothes, uniforms, military and civilian life photographs, various documents written in his own handwriting, medals, and memorabilia.
  • Gifts from Makbule Atadan: Atatürk’s sister, Makbule Atadan, donated several items to the museum, such as Atatürk’s civilian clothing, handkerchiefs and shirts bearing the “Mustafa Kemal” monogram, and his undergarments.
  • Uniforms and Clothing: The museum displays Atatürk’s Field Marshal uniform and the outfit he wore during the Sivas Congress.
  • Memorabilia: Items in this category include writing sets, cigarette cases, medals, and a wooden radio-phonograph gifted by U.S. President Roosevelt.
  • Paintings: There are oil paintings by artists İbrahim Çallı and Sami Yetik, adding artistic value to the collection. Additionally, ten watercolor paintings by V. Pisani, depicting the Greek occupation of Izmir, are exhibited in a separate section.
  • Personal Items of Cevat Abbas: The museum also displays personal items of Cevat Abbas, Atatürk’s aide-de-camp, who also resided in the same house during that period. These items were acquired from his family and added to the museum’s collection.

The museum organizes various events throughout the year in collaboration with the Şişli District Governorship, Şişli District National Education Directorate, and Şişli Municipality. These events are held on significant dates related to Atatürk:

  • May 16th: Commemorating Atatürk’s departure from the house to board the Bandırma ferry.
  • May 19th: Youth and Sports Day.
  • September 19th: Veterans Day.
  • November 10th: Atatürk Memorial Day.

Additionally, the museum includes a library with works written about Atatürk, providing an educational resource for visitors interested in learning more about his life and legacy.

  • Opening Hours: The museum is open every day except Mondays, from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
  • Group Visits: Appointments are required for group visits.
  • Admission Fee: Entrance to the museum is free.

Contact Information:

  • Phone Number: 0212 233 47 23
  • Email Address: [email protected]
  • Address: Halaskargazi Cad. No: 140, Şişli, Istanbul


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