Teşvikiye Mosque

Teşvikiye Mosque in Istanbul is a significant historical and architectural landmark. Built in its current form under Sultan Abdülmecid in 1854, it has undergone several restorations, including during the reigns of Sultan Abdulhamid II in 1877 and 1891-92. The original architect is thought to be Krikor Amira Balyan, with subsequent contributions by Garabet Balyan and his son Nikogos Bey, as well as Küçük Yorgi Kalfa and Yuvan Efendi in later renovations.

Design and Architecture

  • The mosque is fevkanî (elevated) in style due to its construction on a sloping site, with its southern side rising over a basement level.
  • The prayer hall (harim) is approximately 13 x 12 meters, close to a rectangular shape.
  • The complex includes a sultan’s pavilion (hünkâr kasrı) and quarters measuring about 24 x 15 meters, with the ground floor partially used as a last congregation area (son cemaat yeri).
  • The pavilion’s size obscures the main mosque’s front view, and the entrance facade is distinctively different from traditional mosque designs.
  • The entrance is set back, flanked by projecting wings of the hünkâr kasrı, a design also seen in Ortaköy Mosque and Dolmabahçe Mosque.
  • The frontage of Teşvikiye Mosque is characterized by a portico, a common feature in Western architecture, suggesting a European neo-classical influence.
  • The mosque’s north facade reflects architectural characteristics of 19th-century official buildings, with marble columns supporting an overhanging cornice, and a tuğra-adorned crest in the center.
  • Inside, the mosque features a simple mihrab niche, marble-painted green columns in each corner of the prayer hall, and walls adorned with multicolored floral motifs.

Restorations and Modifications

  • The hünkâr pavilion has undergone alterations from its original design.
  • The basement, originally a part of the pavilion, has been converted into an additional prayer area.
  • Stained glass windows, originally wooden-shuttered, have been installed.
  • The upper floor opens into the main area through three arched openings, with a spiral staircase providing access.

Location and Accessibility

  • Address: Teşvikiye, Teşvikiye Mah, 34365 Şişli/İstanbul

Teşvikiye Mosque, with its rich history and unique architectural blend of Ottoman and European styles, is a prominent example of the 19th-century architectural evolution in Istanbul.

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